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Outlook on the future EU Nature Restoration Law and linkages with Climate and Species Conservation An opportunity to bring back Nature. With the participation of: Rewilding

Foundation, FERN, Wild Europe, WCPA and others.

Nordic Spaces NV/SA,

in – person register with Zoltan Kun zoltankun71@yahoo.com

To join this event online

Open access link: WEBEX

Meeting password: Qwmp5fYiu35

(79675394 from phones and video systems)

CONTACT: Zoltan Kun – zoltankun71@yahoo.com

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Piemonte spezza la catena, la sua vita ne vale la pena
Martedì12 ottobre
dalle 18:30 alle 19:30  

Organizzata da: Save the Dogs and other Animals, Green Impact e Animal Law Italia

Scarica la locandina

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Presentation of the international report

“Towards prohibiting the chaining of dogs”.

Puoi rivedere l’evento al seguente link.